Program: theory, handling of the kite, body drag, re-launch, water start, first time riding the board
Beginner course 3 days: €540.-- per person
Advanced single days: €150.-- per person
Private 2 persons/boat: €250.-- per person/day
Private 1 person/boat: €400.-- per day
...prices including all the gear
10% discount for groups (3 people and more)
advanced days with your own gear please email or call us
Program: theory, waterstart, riding the board, jibes, staying upwind, first jumps.
Foundations: Basic theory knowledge, good kite control, first rides on the board.
For advanced kiters with solid skills our trainers offer individual freestyle coaching on request. Learn how to do basic jumps, frontrolls and unhooked riding
JÖRG JOHANNES | Sorico | TEL. +39 334 39 64 723 | E-MAIL: info@jc-kiting.com